What is the opening size of the toothbrush disinfection cabinet

What is the opening size of the toothbrush disinfection cabinet
There are two kinds of ordinary household embedded disinfection cabinets, the size of which is the panel W600XH600, the main body W560X580, and the panel W630XH600, the main body W560X610, the rough size of the cabinet is preferably 570, it is too small to accommodate, it is difficult to repair the slight deviation of different brands

What is the size of the disinfection cabinet
What is the general size of the disinfection cabinet

The first type: the size of the embedded disinfection cabinet. The built-in disinfection cabinet can be divided into two doors and three doors. The difference between these two sizes is relatively large. Because the built-in disinfection cabinet needs to be integrated with the entire cabinet, in order to make the kitchen feel more sturdy, its size selection must be considered. Let me say that the most widely used double-door embedded disinfection cabinet is usually about 600mm long, about 420-450mm wide, and about 650mm high. Second, the main concern is the rationality of the internal design of the disinfection cabinet. The standard size of a common household disinfection cabinet is 80L~100L, which is too large. It is a waste for families with a small population. The size of each disinfection cabinet will be slightly different, but at the same time there will be a corresponding opening size, there is no fixed standard.

The second type: vertical disinfection cabinet size. The vertical disinfection cabinet not only has a unique coated tempered glass cabinet door, but also adopts three major technologies of ultraviolet + ozone disinfection and medium temperature drying. The function of the vertical disinfection cabinet is not to damage the tableware, it can sterilize the plastic products, and the internal type has a slide rail to prevent the secondary pollution of the tableware. There is also a ventilation hole in the front, which can effectively prevent water vapor from corroding the cabinet. The standard size of the vertical disinfection cabinet is enough to accommodate the average family of 16 liters.

The third type: the size of the wall-mounted disinfection cabinet. After the embedded disinfection cabinet and vertical disinfection cabinet, the wall-mounted disinfection cabinet has become a new favorite. The wall-mounted disinfection cabinet is the noble in the disinfection cabinet, and the price exceeds 1,000 yuan, so many families are discouraged. However, with the arrival of the second step, many families moved into new homes. In the modern kitchen, there must be a disinfection cabinet suitable for “time”, so this noble product has entered people’s homes. Usually, this kind of disinfection cabinet needs to be determined according to the design of its own home decoration kitchen. According to the usual summary, the standard size of this wall-mounted disinfection cabinet is usually 80L~100L.

All in all, the principle of purchasing a disinfection cabinet product depends on its capacity, disinfection method and shell material to meet the needs of its family. For example, a family of five, then 40L-70L space is enough. Specifically, you can choose a dual-temperature sterilization cabinet, which has strong applicability, beautiful spray coating on the shell and very good mechanical strength. The disadvantage is that it is not resistant to corrosion, and it is easy to rust after peeling off the paint layer. For stainless steel, the advantages are many, but for ordinary consumers the price is higher.